無為 Mui無為 Mui Foundation StoneFoundation Stone Foundation StoneFoundation Stone Foundation StoneFoundation Stone Foundation StoneFoundation Stone 横浜赤レンガ倉庫「六つの交差」展示風景 「Six crossing」 Scenery at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse横浜赤レンガ倉庫「六つの交差」展示風景 「Six crossing」 Scenery at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse 無為 Mui無為 Mui うつわ Bowlうつわ Bowl 人は一艘の舟に乗るように a person it is like on a ship人は一艘の舟に乗るように a person it is like on a ship 人は一艘の舟に乗るように a person it is like on a ship人は一艘の舟に乗るように a person it is like on a ship 秋から冬へ From autumn to winter秋から冬へ From autumn to winter 木のかたち The shape of tree木のかたち The shape of tree